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About Us

Hi! Welcome to Bee's Knees Nails!

We are a small woman run business located in Wisconsin. I say "we", but really it's myself, Anne 👋, behind the scenes. I am the product selector, marketer, website builder, shipper, etc. etc.

Since growing up, I had fun playing with makeup, hair, nails, and outfits. I'm by no means a "girly girl", but I like to be creative and express myself. I'm also a busy, efficient woman! Cue - nail wraps! I tried them and was hooked - I hated waiting for my nails to dry.

Now, how did that turn into Bee's Knees Nails? I've also always had an entrepreneur drive in me. As a kid, I would setup little stores and my grandma would come "shop". As a new mom, I also have a goal to be home more with my family and not stuck in a 9-5. After other business ventures and lots of research, I decided to start my own website selling a product I love!

...and here we are today! Bee's Knees Nails is providing a way for women (or ANYONE, really), to express themselves and provide a little self-care; in an affordable way! 

Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to Bee Yourself!